Friday, July 23, 2010

3 Things that are NOT really ME

After I play one of the Gamehouse products, called “Cooking Academy”, I realize how I really bad at it and it makes me hate cooking. The two things that I can cook are only instant noodles and make scramble egg (even though I like the sunny side better, yet I always break the yellow part, so at last the white and yellow part are mixed. When they are mixed, I’d just scramble them. As the result, I’m good in making scramble egg).

I just don’t like standing in front of the stove while waiting the food. For me, it’s like wasting time; in fact I can do other important things. Actually, the real reason is that I’m too lazy just to wait the food. Moreover, when I should fry something, I really hate it. Just imagine the oil will become hot and then touch your skin. I really don’t like that condition. When there’s no food at home, I prefer to go out looking for fast food or just wait for my mother come to make some food. Last, I never have any intention to learn how to cook.

Well, I know it seems that I’m a very selfish person….actually it’s true, but it doesn’t mean that I don’t want to help people. It’s just I don’t like to be a volunteer, especially when I have to be sent to a remote area or helping disaster victims. I think I can help them with other things, but to be a volunteer is not really my thing. Although I don’t want to be a volunteer, I still appreciate them. What are they thinking until they want to help others with many big risks without being paid? I’m a money oriented person, but I know that money is not everything. You need money in real life and that’s true. Therefore, social working is the last options in my job and career dream.

Knitting and sewing are other things that I don’t want to do. I have tried doing it once and it really needs lots of lots of patient which I don’t have. Furthermore, you need a lot of attention and concentration. In addition, you need a good hand skill which, again, I don’t have. Knitting and sewing are also the other reason why I don’t take fashion designer as my major. Well. It’s true that a designer doesn’t really need to be able to sew and knit; however, it’s better if they can do it. Besides that, people said that I have to learn sewing and knitting in that major, so I changed my mind and not taking the fashion designer.

Friday, January 16, 2009

The Right University

What would you feel when you've got accepted in a famous university in your country?

HAPPY + JOY + PROUD + EXCITED + etc...(everything that show happiness feeling!!!)

That's what people normally would feel!

Just like me, when I accepted in a famous and number one in my country. I never really think I could make it. Well I expect it very much...because if I didn't get in there, then it means I couldn't go to uni for a year and waited for next year. The happiness when I read my name is accepted in internet that time, really can't describe only by words, you really have to be there and feel it just like me!!

Now, I've already passed a semester in that university and still 7 semester ahead!
But now the happiness and proud feeling is gone!

Before, I've already heard the good reputation of that uni...many people want to get there...many of the alumnus are success...The lectures are well known and skillful..bla...bla...bla

Well after I felt it by my own self...Not all of it are right..
Instead...I'm feeling not satisfied to the university...I' m starting to ask the reputation and the quality of that 'FAMOUS and NUMBER ONE' uni...because there are too many problems inside...

Even though, it still has positive sides, like the cheap fee and still many companies believe in this uni, so it's easy or you to find a job!!

So now don't be get tricked only by the look...or the disappointed will be felt at the end...hehehe
You have to know inside of it too...
Don't judge a book by it's cover!! (cliche, but it's true!!)

Waiting for Something

rencana tinggal rencana
indah di awal
sekejap hilang ditelan waktu
berlalu dan kemudian dilupakan

janji tinggal janji
diucapkan tanpa beban
oleh si lidah tak bertulang
lalu diingkar tanpa sesal

harap dan sesal bersama
rencana dan janji keluar
dengan kawan bernama ingkar

It's a piece of poem that I wrote. It really show what had happened to me for few times. why in Indonesia? Indonesia is my mother tongue. So I think it's easier to describe it in Indonesia. hehehe...I think i can describe me better because now I still having a problem in choosing the appropriate vocab or words.

Well I many people, including me, make promises and plans easily. After that, they also forget it easily, ever easier. Maybe it's also my mistake taking a plan or promise too serious, so when they break it, I will feel angry and sad.

The lesson for me is not to taking something too serious Well, it's sometimes hard for me to taking something just for fun...hehehe

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

...True Friendship and True Friend....

I’ve just watched The Sisterhood of Travelling Pants…and I’m wondering “Is there any friendship like that in this real world?”

A friend that always there for you…
A friend that will come immediately, when you call them…
A friend that always ready for you, when you need a help…

Well, I don’t believe that things like that are really exist in this world. There’s nothing ideal in this world, especially friend.
For me there is no big different between friend and best friend. Maybe with best friend, I really know their family. That’s all the different!!

What is a friendship anyway? Is there a true friend?
Is there a pure friendship? A friendship that is not based on reasons for advantages…

I remember a conversation between Simon Cowell and David Cook in David Cook first audition in American Idol.

Simon Cowell :And what would your friends say about you entering American Idol?
David Cook :They obviously want the best for me. You know…
Simon Cowell :No friends ever do.

You maybe will laugh when you hear this conversation and think so this guy must be doesn't have friends, just like I do when I heard it. But I think again, it’s true.hahaha

I wrote this note, not to hurt anybody’s feeling, especially my friend. I just want to wrote down what I am thinking through this simple note.

Wondering to Start a Better World

Are we really have to taking sides in this I and P problem? I believe you already know what are I and P without I explain it. Lately, this problem has become headline in every media.

Once my friend was asking, “Which one are we should support, I or P?” and then all my other friends answer, “P of course!!!” Is taking side a big problem?? This is not an ordinary gamble where you can pick one side and then hope that side is the winner and other is loser.

Everybody, please, it’s a WAR. There’s no one is right or wrong! Both sides have their own disadvantages. Many people from both sides have already dead in this war. Then why taking sides is still a problem.

Now, even the medias have already taking sides. The medias don’t do their function in the right way then. They judges a problem based on one side. It seems that they close their eyes for the facts that were happened. A media should be in the neutral side, so they can do their function fairly. They should make news depend on both sides, but now it happens the other way.

Many people trying to find the solution for this problem, but sometimes they offer a way that wouldn’t solve it, instead make the problem even bigger. Just like when an organization wants to send ammunitions to P or when there are many volunteers that ready to go to P for help them. Hello…ammunitions and volunteers wouldn’t finish this war. You’re only going to add more people dying and also more trouble. Why you have to push yourself too much, if you really can not stop the war…just do the things that possible to do! There are still many problems in this world that have to be solved.

They related this I and P problem with religion and believing. I think that’s why this problem becomes more complex. There are already many leader said that this wasn’t a religion war, but why they still enforcing that this is a religion problem. Can’t understand what they think.

How can you start a world peace with ammunitions??? I’m just wondering!!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009


I just want to say hi!!!

It' my first time making a blog,
I hope I can write a lot in this blog