Wednesday, January 14, 2009

...True Friendship and True Friend....

I’ve just watched The Sisterhood of Travelling Pants…and I’m wondering “Is there any friendship like that in this real world?”

A friend that always there for you…
A friend that will come immediately, when you call them…
A friend that always ready for you, when you need a help…

Well, I don’t believe that things like that are really exist in this world. There’s nothing ideal in this world, especially friend.
For me there is no big different between friend and best friend. Maybe with best friend, I really know their family. That’s all the different!!

What is a friendship anyway? Is there a true friend?
Is there a pure friendship? A friendship that is not based on reasons for advantages…

I remember a conversation between Simon Cowell and David Cook in David Cook first audition in American Idol.

Simon Cowell :And what would your friends say about you entering American Idol?
David Cook :They obviously want the best for me. You know…
Simon Cowell :No friends ever do.

You maybe will laugh when you hear this conversation and think so this guy must be doesn't have friends, just like I do when I heard it. But I think again, it’s true.hahaha

I wrote this note, not to hurt anybody’s feeling, especially my friend. I just want to wrote down what I am thinking through this simple note.


  1. yea.. those kind of friendship maybe just exist if they have money! a lot of money! rite? -__- in the sisterhood of traveling pants, they could help each other because they have money, they have cars, etc. but in real life? no way,, not lot of people hv those facilities all the time.. well for me, there is only true friend for me, n HE never leave me,, but no much people realize that.. even u have HIM too.. :) u know what Im talking about? of course it's not 'human',, wakaka..

  2. yeah of course I know!!hahaha
    the most loyal friend of all...
    let, what do u think about the grammar and the contents??

  3. first, i'm just want to say : THANKS for the understanding language for me!! hahahaha
    you give a good describe about friendship in this real life. Sometimes I think it can be happen to us, but maybe somebody really feel friendship in The Sisterhood of Travelling Pants. Finally, maybe you still need much times in ur life to find this relationship.
    kata2 gw sungguh bijak!!!
    lumayan nih bisa nulis beginian..

  4. hahaha...what is the meaning of "THANKS for the understanding language for me!!"???
    btw..thank u for ur comment!!

  5. The only TRUE friendship that last no matter what is God's friendship to His Creatures, especially to us, mankind

  6. wakaka.. wow.. risely! :P yeah,, I dont really get "thanks for the understanding language for me"?? he? what's that?? ^^'
    hm,, yea,, sometimes we wont find real frienship rite away,, but.. sigh.. i dont know.. :P
    btw, ehe,, who's samdman? :]

  7. oh shoot! wow,, I forgot to answer ur question,by!
    haha.. I only comment risely's comment.. wakaka..
    um,, for me, this one is better.. :) ur wording is better than the previous one.. ^^
