Friday, January 16, 2009

Waiting for Something

rencana tinggal rencana
indah di awal
sekejap hilang ditelan waktu
berlalu dan kemudian dilupakan

janji tinggal janji
diucapkan tanpa beban
oleh si lidah tak bertulang
lalu diingkar tanpa sesal

harap dan sesal bersama
rencana dan janji keluar
dengan kawan bernama ingkar

It's a piece of poem that I wrote. It really show what had happened to me for few times. why in Indonesia? Indonesia is my mother tongue. So I think it's easier to describe it in Indonesia. hehehe...I think i can describe me better because now I still having a problem in choosing the appropriate vocab or words.

Well I many people, including me, make promises and plans easily. After that, they also forget it easily, ever easier. Maybe it's also my mistake taking a plan or promise too serious, so when they break it, I will feel angry and sad.

The lesson for me is not to taking something too serious Well, it's sometimes hard for me to taking something just for fun...hehehe


  1. w o w!!!
    ur poem is so sweetttt..
    I think I know why u write this poem.
    good words.
    good meaning.

  2. so sweet???hahaha
    then why I wrote this poem??

  3. maybe because "at the pizza hut"??
    am I right or wrong?
    I just guess for it..

  4. pizza hut??hahaha
    that can be a reason, but still not the main reason...hahahaha
    ok, stop guessing because i can't tell you why i wrote it anyway...don't want to hurt anybody's feeling

  5. You know, 'ingkar' is actually part of Indonesian culture. Some just do it as part of religion (so they say!).

    What i am trying to say is, when you down and everything seem so despair, we tend to be 'ingkar' our own situation. Should there is some scapegoat around, surely it will be shot first hand by anything you could burst out your mouth without even thinking (nor blinking actually!).


  6. omg,, risely,, u r so funny! u should comment my blog too..wakaka.. why is it sweet? n at pizza hut?? LOL wow..
    hm,, maybe u usally take people's reactions too seriously just lk my sister.. well u shouldnt.. bcuz other people wont care about ur feelings when they were saying those bad things, just 'cuex'! haha.. well,, basically just lk me,, haha.. I dont really take it personally.. :)

  7. I have just opened Risely Spidy but there's only name in her account and no blog. what a bummer. haha
